The boys are angered when their favorite television show, Terrance and Phillip, is preempted by a new program, The Queef Sisters, which is very similar but relies on queef jokes instead of fart jokes. The show starts a queefing movement across the country, with women arguing there is no difference between queefing and farting. The disgusted men, still finding fart jokes funny, fail to recognize the double standard. In light of the growing uproar, the Colorado State Senate passes a law that bans queefing. When Sharon and Shelley feel insulted by the decision, Stan and his father Randy realize the issue was really about women having the same rights as men. Stan and Randy get all the South Park men together and record an inspirational song, declaring women should have the right to queef. After their show is canceled, Terrance and Phillip attempt to kill the Queef Sisters, but instead fall in love and marry them.