6 City Sushi

The episode begins with Butters distributing flyers for a newly opened City Sushi restaurant, giving a flyer to Tuong Lu Kim, the owner of the Chinese restaurant City Wok. Bewildered at the prospect of a Japanese restaurant next to his, an angered Lu Kim enters the establishment and starts a fight with the owner, a Japanese man named Junichi Takiyama. Butters is then sent home by the police for indirectly starting an "Asian turf war." Butters' parents, thinking that their parenting is not the problem as they think they are "awesome", take Butters to therapy where he ends up being misdiagnosed with Multiple personality disorder by shrink Dr. Janus. However, it would turn out that Janus actually has Multiple personality disorder and unknowingly puts Butters in situations that make the boy appear more mentally unfit.
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